A Primary Alternative

Did you notice how Steve Womack, the newly-elected congresscritter for northwest Arkansas, voted on the debt ceiling deal? He towed that party line and voted for Boehner’s deal, opening the door for trillions more in debt to accumulate over the next several years.

As a conservative, is this what you want to see from your elected representative, one more member of the political machine who tows the party line and doesn’t give a flip what you think or why you put him in office? Continue reading

Something Stinks in Arkansas

And it’s not just the chicken houses.

For years now Arkansas legislators have been supplementing their regular monthly income with a little extra money doled out under the table. They have been handing in expense reimbursement invoices without any proof of the actual expenses incurred. In some cases, the billing entity with its name on the invoice is a LLC owned by the legislator’s spouse. In other instances, the invoice shows the legislator as a DBA that is billing the state for expenses incurred while providing services to himself. Continue reading